Are you curious? I am. There is so much around us all the time that it’s really hard not to be curious I think. I notice everything around me, especially the colors of things. I often refer to the “Paynes Grey” sky on a stormy day or the “Azure blue” ocean when the sun is shining down on the sand under the sea. I am also curious to learn more about how things work, how they are put together and what makes them function so well. Doing product development all these years has made me think as much about the function of an item as well as the design. Being curious gets us thinking. You wonder about things, you want to learn something more. You are inquisitive and as a result, you learn something new. We are eager to learn about new things. It makes us sit up and take note of something we see that interests us…and perhaps that very thing that we are wondering about will inspire us. So I suggest that you act like a sponge…absorb it all in…it will nurture you and make your mind turn over with excitement for something new. It’s like feeding the brain with fertilizer…called curiosity. It makes it grow and keeps it fresh and alert. I love to get excited about something new as I discover whatever that thing is that inspires me to look further. So just a short thought today to try to be really curious about your world and all that is in it. You might want to draw something that you find and put it in your sketch book or at least give it more than a fleeting glance. Who knows what you may find? It’s good to wonder and be curious.